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Peninsula Day Camp is a non-profit, 100% volunteer run Day Camp that operates over two weeks. Every volunteer helps shape Camp!
Teen volunteers "Aides", click HERE.
Unit Leader details, click HERE.
Program Leader details, click HERE.
Training & Requirements for at-camp adult volunteers, click HERE.
Camp Support Volunteer details, click HERE.
Camp Names list, click HERE.
Did you know...
...that when an adult volunteers as a
Unit Leader, it allows 8 campers to
be removed from the waiting list!
The mission of Day Camp is to help campers develop their individual potential; relate to others with increased understanding, skill and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision making; and contribute to the improvement of society through philanthropies means.
Day Camp is also designed for the parents/guardians to share in the adventure through available volunteer positions. The obligations and mechanics of running Peninsula Day Camp are handled by the Camp Director.
Adults can volunteer in a variety of ways, to suit their availability, skills and comfort level. We provide training and ongoing support for all volunteers!
Adult volunteers have fun at Camp too!
Day Camp was designed and runs with the job of taking care of the campers split into two different smaller volunteer positions, Unit Leader and Program Leader.
Unit Leaders focus on girl engagement, support, friendship, connections and stay with the unit the entire two weeks of Camp participating in programs as well as cooking and sleeping as a Unit. To learn more about being a Unit Leader, click HERE.
Program Leaders focus on teaching programs (crafts, skills, nature and other specialty programs) or provide a service to Camp, an example are Medics. To learn more about being a Program Leader, click HERE.
There are also a limited number of part-time Camp Support Jobs, which offer guaranteed admission. To learn more about being a Camp Support Volunteer, click HERE.
Campers without a volunteer are automatically placed on a wait list until enough at-camp positions have been filled.
All volunteers are encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure their placement at Day Camp. All new volunteers are encouraged to register as a Unit Leader as it allows the volunteers to experience all aspects of Day Camp. To learn more About Camp, click HERE.
There are also volunteers who work on Camp year-round. They form the Camp Committee and Program Committee. If you are interested in getting more involved, click HERE.
Why Volunteer?
Peninsula Day Camp fills up every year, but the children of at-camp volunteers are guaranteed a spot.
Volunteers receive a substantial discount on your campers' fees. Check the registration tab.
At-camp volunteers can sign up preschoolers! Campers will come home with stories about their day, new songs and skills they've learned.
Volunteering with Day Camp is joining a community! Many of our volunteers have so much fun at Camp that they continue to volunteer for years after their kids graduate.
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