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Your commitment to Camp is extremely important and you are expected to meet or exceed your commitment because Peninsula Day Camp is a non-profit, 100% volunteer run and depends on every volunteer to operate over the two weeks.
Every volunteer helps shape Camp!
What is an Aide?
Aides are female or male teens entering 10th grade in the Fall or just graduated from high school. Aides are among the most important people at Camp. Aides assist adult volunteers and campers with a variety of different areas: outdoor skills, nature and craft activities, cooking, overnight and act as a friend and helper to the younger campers. Everyone counts on all of the Aides to generate fun and laughter and to encourage singing throughout Camp.
Aide volunteers have fun at Camp too!
There are two (2) distinct yet equally important Aide positions at Camp: The Unit Aide (UA) and the All Camp Aide (ACA).
A Unit Aide (UA) will attend camp FULL-TIME; will assist two (2) adult Unit leaders; may team-lead with a co-Aide; will work with the same group of children each day.
An All Camp Aide (ACA) will attend camp either FULL-TIME or PART-TIME; will assist adult Program Leaders at various sites within Camp, sometimes on an "as needed" basis; will work with small groups of children on a rotating basis each day; may be asked to be a substitute Unit Aide if the need arises.
New and returning UA & ACA applicants must attend the required trainings and have submitted required paperwork on time.
Why be an Aide?
Aides have FUN! They are amazing role models for campers. As a thank you for all their hard work, Aides have a special overnight on the last day of Camp after all the campers go home. They get to share stories and enjoy each others friendship and bond over their Camp experiences.
All Aides are exhibiting their courage, confidence and character DAILY and take on leadership positions.
With the trainings and their dedicated work at Camp, full time Aides can get a letter for 100 hours of Volunteer service!
Aides can also request letters of recommendation for college or jobs!
Volunteering is joining a community!
During the registration process, teen volunteers are called Prospective Aides. This is due to the fact that they are applying, it is up to them to complete the paperwork, trainings and other obligations to be accepted at Camp as an Aide volunteer.
Aides must have a working email address and communicate with the Aide Advisors (without adult help). This shows personal responsibility and accountability that is required in all Aides.
All Prospective Aides entering 10th grade in the Fall or just graduated from high school may register individually or within a family registration. Prospective Aides that miss the registration periods may reach out to the Aide Advisor to see potential options for late registration. Late registration is not guaranteed but, in most cases, late registration was granted based on a new full-time adult volunteer registering with the late Prospective Aide.
Boy Prospective Aides must have an adult volunteering at-camp to register. It is up to the discretion and needs of Camp to determine if a boy Aide may attend Camp in days that his adult is not in attendance.
All Prospective Aides who do not complete and pass Aide training may not attend Camp as an Aide but may attend Camp as a camper if camper fees are paid and there is space available in an Older Girl or Boy unit.
The Aide Advisor will reach out to the Prospective Aides by email and USPS mail with training sign up details.
Aides must have a working email address and communicate with the Aide Advisors (without adult help). This shows personal responsibility and accountability that is required in all Aides. Paperwork and communication is by email and physical paper. USPS mailing of forms is sometimes new for teens but a good life skill.
Camp Names
Camp names are a tradition at Camp and are displayed proudly on the back of volunteers shirts. All adults, Aides and AITs use camp names for fun as well as to relieve some of the formality of calling someone Mrs., Mr., or Ms. Camp names are approved and tracked by administration to avoid multiple volunteers using the same camp name.
Click HERE to see the list of camp names that are actively being used or have been retired due to service or legacy.
Expectations and Responsibilities
Be responsible for themselves and to take responsibility of others
Set a good example in front of younger campers through their words and actions
Assume a leadership role with campers and fellow volunteers
A positive attitude is the most important quality of a good Aide
Use supportive language when speaking with campers
Treat all campers equally and fairly
Make every attempt to encourage and allow the campers to do things for themselves
Exhibit respect for the campers and Unit/Program Leaders when communicating
Be a good example to campers by participating enthusiastically in all activities, kapers and projects
Help teach the campers songs, games, skills, nature and all other aspects of Camp life
Aides are part of a team working together for the success of everyone at Camp
Behave in a cheerful, positive and mature fashion, showing leadership, responsibility, cooperation and knowledge
Camp fully understands that every Aide is an individual with varying degrees of emotional maturity, outdoor program skills and experience. Aides are not expected to take on the roles of an adult or assume an adult's responsibility. Aides are asked to be ready to assume responsibility under the supervision of an adult.
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