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Peninsula Day Camp is an all-volunteer run camp. All volunteers receive pre-camp training as well as continued training while at Camp. The subject matter if training is mandated by the State of California. Volunteers need to meet all requirements.
At-camp volunteers are required to complete training(s) base on their experience at Day Camp. Trainings are important and necessary for volunteers to be effective at Camp. At camp volunteers cannot be at Camp without all the required training(s) completed even if you have been to Camp before.

These trainings and requirements are

only for at-camp volunteers

Unit Leaders and Program Leaders are both At-Camp volunteers either new or experienced.
Experienced At-Camp Volunteers: 
                      - Attend one (1) "Team Meeting" training session before camp, dates below 
                 - Additional training will be offered during Camp
                 - Have a DOJ background check complete
                 - Complete the Mandated Reporter Training
NEW At-Camp Volunteers: 
                      - Attend one (1) "Assessment" training session before camp, dates below
                      - Attend one (1) "Outdoor" training session before camp, dates below
                      - Attend one (1) "Team Meeting" training session before camp, dates below 
                 - Additional training will be offered during Camp
                 - Have a DOJ background check complete
                 - Complete the Mandated Reporter Training
                 - Pick a Camp Name, click HERE

Training Dates

Team Meeting: 
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