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Peninsula Day Camp
Huddart Park, Woodside CA
CAMP 2025 - July 14-18 and July 21-25

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About Peninsula Day Camp 

Peninsula Day Camp is a 10-day adventure in the out-of-doors at the beautiful Huddart Park. Activities include outdoor skills, hiking, singing, cooking, crafts, sleeping under the stars and making new friends.

Day Camp is 100% volunteer run!

Bus transportation is available.


Day Camp Schedule 

Week One: Monday - Friday, 9 AM until around 4 PM

Week Two: Monday - Wednesday, 9 AM until around 4 PM
                     Thursday is 9 AM and all Camp overnight and campfire
                     Friday is a half-day ending around noon

Older Girls and Older Boys have additional overnights
Check Transportation Tab for bus schedules as the two weeks are different


Who Attends Camp?

Adult volunteers
Aides: girl or boy teen volunteers 
Campers: girls, preschool girls and                             boys of all ages

1st Grade Campers: girls entering 1st grade in the Fall
2nd and 3rd Grade Campers: girls entering 2nd and 3rd grade in the Fall
4th and 5th Grade Campers: girls entering 4th and 5th grade in the Fall
Older Girl Campers: girls entering 6th through 9th grade in the Fall. Girls entering
                     10th - 12th grade in the Fall may register as an Older Girl if they do not want                      to be an Aide. Please click HERE to learn more about Older Girls.
Prospective Aides: girls and boys entering 10th grade in the Fall up to just graduating                            from high school. Please click HERE to learn more about Prospective Aides.
Preschoolers: girls 4 and 5 years young. Preschoolers are placed in special units, please                 click HERE to learn more. 
Boys: 4 years young up to entering 12th grade. Boys are placed in special units,                             please click HERE to learn more. 


Acceptance into Day Camp

All campers and volunteers will be waitlisted and accepted based on volunteer support.

To prevent delays in camper acceptance; families must be in good standing. Good standing means that the family has completed all of its participation requirements (volunteer or forms) and have met its financial obligations.

Priority acceptance is given to campers with adults volunteering. Priority is given to the following in order: full-time volunteers, part-time volunteers, camp support volunteers and then campers without a volunteer. Are admissions will be considered after registration closes. Please reach out to the Camp Director to discuss this option. Campers with volunteers will be accepted. Campers without volunteers will be waitlisted or accepted if space allows.

For full details on the acceptance policies, click HERE.


What do the campers do?

Campers and preschoolers are assigned to Units of 14 - 20 campers going into the same grade. Each Unit has two Unit Leaders and one or two Aides (teens). This group stays together for the entire two weeks, Units allowing the campers to bond and make new friends.
Units participate in age appropriate nature, crafts, skills and specialty activities that are taught by Program Volunteers. Imagine the opportunity to build a fire, cook and eat outdoors, hand-crank ice cream, weave a basket, and choose your own leather and craft projects. All campers will even decorate their own camp t-shirt!

Please click HERE to learn more about volunteer roles.

Daily Sample (program activities could be unit time, skills, crafts, etc. Campers vote on activities)
            - Arrive at Camp by car or bus
            - Start the morning singing
            - Flag Up before breaking into Units
            - First program activity
            - Lunch with Unit
            - Second program activity
            - Snack with Unit
            - Third program activity
            - Singing with Flag Down
            - Leave Camp by car or bus


Friend Requests

Friend requests are honored whenever possible. Each friend should request the other friend and requests must be submitted during registration. 

Friend requests can only be honored if the "friends" are in the same level. For example, a 3rd grader will not be placed with a 5th grader since they are different levels and Units have different program activities.


Unit Kapers

Units are assigned flag ceremony and bathroom duties. Bathroom duties entail checking supplies are stocked, restocking and the floor is trash free.

Campers do NOT clean 
toilets or sinks. Ranger's check and clean restrooms every evening after camper's leave.


Day Camp Pictures

Day Camp pictures will be taken of all Units on the first day. Pictures cannot be rescheduled for absent or late campers even if their absence or tardiness is beyond their or Day Camp's control. All pictures will be handed out or mailed to each camper at the end of Day Camp with a camp patch.


Unit Cooking Days

Several program activities have an element of food which is snack size but this is different than unit cooking.

Unit cooking is when the Unit prepares their own full meal: appetizers, salad, beverages, entree and dessert.

Not only does the Unit cook, they CLEAN!
Younger Units cook lunch on the first Friday, dinner on the second Thursday and breakfast the second Friday.

Older Girls and Older Boy Units cook several meals the second week. Please click HERE to view the details about the Older Girl Units. 

Pixies are the preschool unit with the youngest campers at Camp. They will cook in the program activities but they do not cook as a Unit. On the second Thursday overnight, food is cooked for them. Please click HERE to learn more about Pixies.


Dress Code

What to wear to Camp: T- shirt with sleeves (no tank tops), long pants that cover the ankles, socks that completely cover the ankles, sturdy closed-toed shoes. If your camper is inappropriately dressed, they will remain at Headquarters (HQ) until a parent/guardian can bring them appropriate camp attire. 

We are trying to avoid splinters, bug bites, ticks & poison oak.

Poison oak within the immediate camp area has been removed, however, it is around the outlying areas. Each day upon arrival at home, campers should thoroughly shower. Wearing long pants at Camp and clean clothes and bandana DAILY will lessen the chance of getting poison oak and ticks.

Huddart Park has
deer ticks. It is smaller than the common tick. Lyme disease is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected deer tick. While getting Lyme disease is very unlikely in the Bay Area, campers should be checked daily for ticks at home. 


Overnights and Campfire

Older Girl and Older Boy units can spend more than one night at Camp however on the second Thursday, Camp has a traditional campfire gathering and an ALL CAMP OVERNIGHT! This is a time for the entire camp to come together and celebrate that we have spent nine days together and spend the night under the stars with their Unit.

For more information about overnights and campfire, click HERE.

Sign up for Camp updates

Thanks for your info!

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