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Older Girl Units
Older Girls are entering the 6th grade - 9th grade in the Fall
Older Girl Units are Themed!
Older Girls choose their unit theme based on their grade in the Fall and interests. All Older Girl units do a "Service Project" working with the Pixies on a project and leading songs & games. Units also participate in regular camp activities including name tags, t-shirts, skills and much more.
Unit choices may vary each year, below is just a sampling of unit themes.
Older Girls is about GIRL choice!!!
There will be an in person "Girl Only" meeting this Spring for campers entering 6th grade and up to learn about Older Girl choices and to introduce the Older Girl Unit themes for the current year.
Older Girls are asked at this meeting if their unit theme top choice, or if a friend request, is most important to them. Girls attending this meeting will have priority in choosing their unit theme and making friend request. Camp will honor the Older Girl's choice whenever possible.
Parent/guardian will be emailed details about the meeting. Please note: Older Girl friend or unit requests made during registration do not impact Older Girl placement.
Older Girl Camp Schedule
Week One: Monday - Friday, 9 AM until around 4 PM
No Unit Cooking
Week Two: Monday - Tuesday, 9 AM until around 4 PM
Tuesday is the first of three overnights for Pioneers and Backpacking
Wednesday is the first of two overnights for all other Older Girl Units
Thursday is the ALL Camp overnight and campfire
Friday is a half-day ending around noon
Unit Cooking starts with the Unit's first overnight dinner and all remaining meals are done at Camp.
Check Transportation Tab for bus schedules as the two weeks are different
Themes for 6th Grade and Up
Camp Culinary - Try different kinds of outdoor cooking, including Buddy Burns, Dutch oven, foil cooking, solar cooking, caramel apples, baggie ice cream & more.
SKARTS - Blend of skills, nature, arts & crafts and wood projects. Examples: paper quilling, duct tape luggage tags, wooden gum ball machine, heart lanyard & more.
Wood Working - Hands on woodworking skills - do it all yourself. Measuring, cutting wood with a hand saw, sanding, using a battery-operated drill, nailing, painting and more to make wood projects from start to finish. Examples: tic tac toe board, gum ball machine, clothes pin rockers, decorated bench, stilts & more.
Additional Themes for 7th, 8th & 9th Grades
Amazing Race - Race around Camp meeting challenges and completing fun activities! Don't let "road blocks" "detour" you along the way! Challenges include camp skills, cooking, arts & crafts, trivia and more.
Backpacking - Learn advanced outdoor skills and take a two-day backpacking trip away from Camp in tents. Examples: use and care of pocket knives, different outdoor cooking styles, knots, survival skills and more.
Pioneers - Learn advanced outdoor skills and then spend three nights under the stars or in shelters they make. Examples: use and care of pocket knives, different outdoor cooking styles, lashing/knots, candle making, survival skills, shelter building and more.
AIT - Option for 9th Grade Only!
AIT (Aide in Training) - This unit spends the two weeks learning how to be a Day Camp Aide and "interning" under the guidance of an experienced Aide.
AITs must be able to attend Camp full time:
First Week: Monday - Friday from 9AM to 4PM
Second Week: Monday and Tuesday from 9AM to 4PM and Wednesday from 9AM until Friday at 12PM continuously
If a camper is unable to commit to being at Camp full time and to spending both overnights, AITs might not be the right unit. No absences can be tolerated for any reason if you want to successfully complete and "graduate" from AITs.
Click HERE for details about being an AIT!
Questions on Placement and Priority
Can Older Girls choose the same unit two years in a row?
Yes, if space is available. Note that activities will be the same or very similar to the previous year.
What happens if an Older Girl can not attend the Older Girl meeting in the Spring?
Older Girls who are not able to attend will be contacted after the meeting and given a choice of the units based on what is available after the girls who attend the meeting have been placed.
What happens if too many campers want the same unit and it fills up?
Each year is different but occasionally a year will have a very desirable unit. When this happens a second unit may be created or a lottery for the limited spaces will occur. Girls are asked to provide their top three unit choices at the Older Girl meeting, to ensure they are placed in one of these units, if their top choice is not available.
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